Smartphone, tablet and desktop – what’s your fancy?

Enjoying an ongoing debate about preferences for mobile sites. It intrigues me why and how people change the way they consume content.

What I do know is that lots of people access our content using many devices, tablet, smartphone, laptop etc. a plethora of devices but in reality just one person using them.

But what I want to know is the why? Why do people hop between devices, apart from when at home and they don’t have access to a desktop pc so use a smartphone or tablet. I believe that people use many devices to access our content throughout the day and eve. What I dont know is the motivating factors that contribute to the choice of device they make.

Personally I prefer mobile optimised sites when viewing on my smartphone, but I want to be able to see the same amount of content as I would on the desktop – not what the site owner thinks I want to see. I also don’t think that many smartphone/tablet users realise that many sites have a mobile version.

What I do know is that as users migrate to mobile devices we as a digital industry need look again at how we define what we offer to whom and when. All of this in tandem with finding out from users what they want and on what device. Finally the icing on the cake – how to realise a significant revenue stream from these devices whilst providing real value to advertisers.

Thats Friday taken care of – what next week……

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