Power of social media – The search for Sian O’Callaghan

Its been a strange week – I awoke Sunday morning to the news that Sian O’Callaghan – a 22 year old lady from Swindon had been reported missing after a night out in Old Town, Swindon.

Sadly these things happen far too often in our world today, but I was amazed at the local and national support to help find Sian.

Whilst one would expect the local newspaper (Swindon Advertiser) to cover the event and local BBC, I was not prepared for the sheer power of Facebook and Twitter in spreading the message. Even celebrities such as Davina McCall were tweeting in order to help find Sian.

Me along with my Facebook friends have been kept up to date with all developments through the sharing of news/video articles which have engulfed local users Facebook Walls. In essence all of my friends have become news gathers’ some know Sian, some know her family, many just care about a missing young girl in their local community .

What has happened is a fundemental shift in how big breaking news stories are reported, consumed and shared one that i think is now here to stay – this is real 24 hour news published across all digital devices.

The social media campaign has helped circulate posters, generate hundreds of people to help search Savernake Forest and also help spread the message of Sian’s dissaparance to the world.

Sian has now been missing for 5 days – fingers crossed all of the publicity will help find some answers to what happened to her after 250am on Saturday morning and more importantly that maybe the messages touch the hearts of the people that must know something … We look forward to your safe return Sian

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