Olympic tickets – to buy or not to buy

Ever since signing up for the London 2012 newsletter I seem to be bombarded with emails about the event. Don’t get me wrong I subscribed so expected emails, but I find most of them irrelevant and unclear.

I am genuinely interested in going to the one or two of the events but negotiating through the 2012 website in order to simply bid for tickets that I might not get be able to buy at a price that could be £20 or £200 seems a farce.

I fully understand there must be a fair way of distributing tickets, but because of the complex way London 2012 have arranged this I feel like I have to ‘put my name down and supply my card details (Visa only but don’t get me started on that)’ for lots of different tickets and then at the end of the day hope some admin person picks my name out and I get my preferred tickets rather than female wrestling.

Well I am not prepared for such a lottery and as such I will sit back and wait until early next year when the government realises what a farce ticket distribution has been and to save face will end up offering them free to schools etc. I am sure I will end up with tickets to a more interesting event that way. See you all at tiddlywinks 2012 Birmingham.

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